HSV Colour Space Adjustments


HSV splits the image into 3 channels –H, S and V. Each is independent of each other – so can be adjusted in isolation without fear of changing something else that you are happy with. In contrast, if you change want to change brightness in RGB, all 3 channels must be adjusted. Just changing one channel in RGB causes the overall image colour to change.

My general order for adjusting these is V, S and then H. Fine tune as necessary afterwards. Apply the changes cumulatively – not in isolation. As you will see in the workflow suggestions, I recommend saving any interesting possibilities that you create, then later carry out some fine tuning. If you find the colours obtrusive whilst adjusting V, temporarily reduce S (saturation) to 0 while you adjust V.


You will find that having worked through the monochrome manipulations that the V and S channels are simple and straightforward. However the H (colour) channel can b a little less clear, partly because of the high number of possibilities and partly because all the effects in it are dependant on the previous two adjustments.
